TinglyTube Notices

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 notices.
We've improved our login details recovery system 🔒🔄

Forgetting our login details is an annoying but inevitable process, which is why we made ours so simple at first — You go to the recovery page (or "Lost" page), enter your account's email address, hit "Recover Password", and we reset your password to a randomly generated one and email it to you. Easy!

However, it had the downside that if someone knew your account's email address, they could easily reset your password, and while they wouldn't know it, it would probably get pretty annoying very quickly. Another downside was that you couldn't just recover your username, you had to reset your password too.

So we're happy to say that we've improved our login details recovery system! And it's still as simple as before :)

The new system/page fixes the issues we described before as:

  1. You now have the option to either recover your username or reset your password.
  2. Instead of resetting your password instantly once you confirm your account's email address, an email is sent to you which includes a magic link that once clicked, will then reset your password and display it to you. You also have the ability to click another magic link to invalidate (or "Delete") the first magic reset link so that it can't be used (just to be extra safe in the case that you didn't request the reset link).
We're glad to have finally made this improvement and hope that it makes the frustrating experience of recovering your login details much better! And, as always, if you have any questions or need some help, let us know via our Support/Feedback form.

125   2 years ago