TinglyTube Notices

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 notices.
Dark Mode is FINALLY here on TinglyTube! 🌗

It's been almost 6 months since we first teased the idea of introducing a Dark Mode to TinglyTube and we're excited to announce that today... Dark Mode is finally here on TinglyTube! 🌗

All users, signed in or not can activate it from the Language Selection menu as shown below, once you activate it, it will apply only to the browser you used to activate it, and it will stay that way for one year (through the use of a cookie), after that it will change back to the default Light Mode, and if you want to keep using Dark Mode, you can simply just re-activate it.

We hope that you're as excited about Dark Mode as we are, and we hope that it will make your experience on TinglyTube much better, especially at night!

Our developers spent a long time finetuning Dark Mode and testing it to make sure that it works properly, however, if you experience any problems or bugs while using it, or just have some general feedback about it, feel free to let us know via our Support/Feedback form, we're always listening to your feedback and ready to help!

512   4 years ago
Updates to TinglyTube as a PWA (Progressive Web App) 📱

The biggest question we get asked a lot is if TinglyTube has an app, with the answer to that being no, however, we are an 'app' in a way... a Progressive Web App (PWA) that is.

The difference between an App that you might download from the App Store and a Progressive Web App is that a Progressive Web App is actually just a website that is ultra-optimized for use on mobile devices and requires no download of it by the end-user, most modern websites that you visit are technically PWAs, with some (such as TinglyTube) catering more to the ability to being one. By us being a PWA, we save both time and money since we only have to develop one version of TinglyTube while a native application, on the other hand, would require us to develop two separate versions of TinglyTube (programming-wise) for iOS and Android, we also save a small amount of money by not needing to pay to submit to it the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

And just like an actual native app, you can technically 'install' TinglyTube on your device (it's really just a link to our site on your homescreen) if you use either Chrome or Safari as your mobile browser, you can find out how to do so in this help article.

But on to the actual point of this notice, we've recently made some updates to TinglyTube as a PWA to help it look and function more like an actual native app, here's what we did:

  1. When installing TinglyTube as a PWA, you no longer have to manually name it, it is named "TinglyTube" by default.
  2. Each time you launch TinglyTube from your homescreen, you'll see an actual launch screen while TinglyTube loads.
  3. And the biggest update of all, it launches fullscreen just like an actual app, you'll no longer see an ugly address bar at the top of the screen!
Now for those who already installed/added TinglyTube to their homescreen in the past, for these updates to take effect for you, you'll have to remove TinglyTube from your homescreen, and re-install it by following the instructions in this help article.

We hope that these updates make TinglyTube better as a PWA, and improve your experience, however, please note that the updates may appear/look different depending on whether you're using Android or iOS, as their functionality is dictated by Apple and Google, and we have no control in that regard.

499   4 years ago