Showing 11 to 20 of 23 blog articles.
JJ's first blog post on TT!

I can't believe I founded TinglyTube but still haven't used the blogging feature! Well, I guess better late than never :)

Also, I'd like to make it clear, you can write a blog about really anything, as long as it's not spam or anything like that.

Well bye for now!

665   4 years ago
I love this place and why we should upload!

I love this new idea, I would like to upload on this platform or clab with someone is the future 

589   4 years ago
Hello! blog test!

Hello everybody! I hope your all doing well and keeping safe in these times! this is just a lil test on the blog option on this wonderful site that is Tingly Tube! thanks!

589   3 years ago

so my main issue at the moment is my citizenship here in the US, once school is out for the summer I have 2wks to file for another year student visa, which now at this point is ridiculous because I've been living here for 4yrs now I use to go back to the UK to visit my mom and family but I haven't done that since my mom passed away.

I've files for citizenship twice now but each time its been "placed on hold" till I'm 18!!!!!

I dont mind if I can't stay after I'm 18, u still have family in the UK&in Sweden.

Or if someone's REALLY nice&let me move in lol *ahem*Jacob??😂

581   3 years ago
your weekly alpaca!

hello everyone! here if your weekly-Alpaca for monday! have a great one! this is jarred the alpaca, his favorite colour is green.

555   3 years ago
New Coloring Video Coming Soon! 🖊️✏️

For those who've been waiting for a new coloring video, you'll be happy to know that I and Jacob have recorded another with Gel Pens and it'll be uploaded very soon here and on YouTube! Tingles to You! 🖊️✏️

509   3 years ago
Hello!! Help Me

Hi I don't know why my video won't load, that's why I haven't uploaded a video here!

481   3 years ago
Hello From Spain

I'm happy to find myself here, I see videos with a lot of talent, and I hope this beats Youtube, where priority is given to scandalous videos, I needed something simple.
I'm from Spain, so I don't know English, my videos will be half Spanish half English, you might not understand them, but ok. A kiss, I will try my best to speak your language.
I will be uploading my first video shortly, it is being rendered!

440   3 years ago
I am very happy

I know that making videos here I don't earn anything financially, but I feel protected, hopefully this will become more and more successful, and a better site than youtube. I have a channel there. But I really didn't want to talk about this, although I leave you the link

Chanel Youtube

I really come here because I am very happy that Gillian Anderson won an emy, and I find it embarrassing that a journalist asks her if she has talked to Margaret Thacher to prepare for the role.... when... that woman has been dead for a long time... A bad journalist then.



437   3 years ago
My horrible experience

So I've been a fan of ASMR for awhile, it helps my anxiety and gives me focusI( have ADHD) use to listen to Luke Michael but he no longer has his videos up then my broz Rasmus&David then now ASMR Rain and Jacob.

408   3 years ago